วันจันทร์ที่ 24 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2560

Never before seen real life footage inside of North Korea : CC from youtube

0:00journalists kept under close
0:03surveillance to go to North Korea is to
0:07accept the presence 24 hours a day of
0:10guides who are guarantors of the
0:11country's good image fill this 15
0:19the law must be respected yes we do not
0:22allow French journalists to go out alone
0:24our country North Korea does not like
0:28the French why because they took part in
0:30anti-north Korean operations there never
0:34were any French operations against North
0:36Korea but in Pyongyang's eyes every
0:40foreigner is a potential enemy who has
0:41to be closely watched it's the sworn
0:45duty of each guide to chaperone the
0:47visitor and regurgitate the regime's
0:50propaganda even these official North
0:54Korean guides may not be filmed during
1:00our stay we will be confined to our
1:02Pyongyang hotel with absolutely no
1:05chance of being allowed to go out into
1:06the city unaccompanied well mr. Han
1:11guess what are we going to do with what
1:15now going for a stroll where he's here
1:20in the hotel yes in the hotel maybe you
1:24could go into town no
1:36having spent several hours wandering
1:38around the hotel lobby we finally get
1:41authorization to go out any trip is
1:45pre-programmed and serves the objectives
1:47of the propaganda machine the house
1:50where the founder of the nation was born
1:52reminds foreigners of President Kim
1:54il-sung's heroic deeds and helps to
1:56affirm the families legend when she was
2:0014 years old the president left his
2:03native home man Jong Dae firmly
2:06determined both return before career
2:08became independent since then the
2:11president laid the trent year long
2:14arduous anti-japanese arms travel tour
2:17shining victory and finally liberated
2:20our country hundreds of North Korean
2:24soldiers are taking part in a mandatory
2:26pilgrimage to honor the eternal
2:27presidents memory from the grandfather
2:31Kim il-sung to the present incumbent his
2:34grandson Kim jong-un the leaders are as
2:36one in official pronouncements we now
2:39have participated quarantine zone as I
2:42was shivering commander he is exactly
2:45like the president came esta and the
2:47great general came from you in his ideal
2:50leadership and instrumental so I'll
2:53Korea will always emerge victorious in
2:55the future turn under the wise
2:57leadership of the respected marshal Kim
3:02we've been given authorization to visit
3:10Pyongyang to film the Capitals latest
3:12infrastructures the authorities are keen
3:16to airbrush the image usually associated
3:18with this country a totalitarian regime
3:21a family dynasty and brutal repression
3:23this shiny brand-new hospital is exactly
3:28the sort of publicity the regime wants
3:29on the third of November last year
3:35marshal Kim jung-un visited our
3:37hospitals he was very happy he said he
3:42felt like he was walking into a palace
3:45look at that chandelier up there that is
3:48our emblem it represents a woman's bust
3:50this is the room which our glorious
3:56leader Kim jong-un visited on the third
4:00of November come in this is the bed the
4:09marshal sat on when he came here he
4:11asked how long the patient's stay here
4:16Karen up to kuta and marshal Kim Jong un
4:21sent us this 42 inch television the day
4:25after his visit so you sleep here is
4:28that right you're a patient here yes do
4:32you speak French a little what a stroke
4:36of luck the first patient we meet and
4:38she speaks French how much longer are
4:39you going to be staying here in some a
4:41week should be enough I think wearing
4:48her Hospital clothes this patient is
4:50giving the performance of her life in
4:52this well-directed play
4:54is that a power cut but reality soon
5:03kicks in again do you often have power
5:06cuts no very rarely
5:12the hospital's employees do their best
5:16to remain unmoved by such events nothing
5:20can tarnish the image of the country and
5:22those who run it
5:29bon jovi severe so Mike that as I said
5:35to you this morning our country is at
5:38loggerheads with the USA Japan and South
5:41Korea the cause of Yahoo so we need a
5:45strong military many soldiers to defend
5:49the fatherland there is always tension
5:52in the Korean Peninsula and Commander
6:02Kim jong-un is very young bloody bloody
6:05see listen to me he has declared if our
6:09enemies dare to light even the smallest
6:11fuse of a war like yeah Korea will
6:15strike a lethal blow which will
6:18definitively unite the country
6:20reunification of our nation is the most
6:24fervent wish of every Korean they're
6:30this desire for reunification dates from
6:33the end of the Korean War in 1953 when
6:36the peninsula was split into two
6:37countries but no peace treaty was ever
6:42signed officially the two Koreas are
6:45still at war North Korea was
6:48subsequently run by Kim il-sung until
6:511994 and then by his son General Kim
6:54jong-il who died on the seventeenth of
6:57December 2011
7:10Kim jong-un son of the late Kim jong-il
7:19has been in power for three years in
7:23life or in death the Kim dynasties power
7:26over 24 million North Koreans endures
7:39the Kim family is the first communist
7:42dynasty in history
7:47the new incumbent was presented to the
7:49people as a natural successor barely 30
7:52years old Kim jong-un was quickly
7:54awarded the titles of Supreme Commander
7:56and then Marshall and said about
7:58consolidating his power kim jong un's
8:04accession to power gave birth to a new
8:06hope in the hearts of the North Korean
8:13more of a modernist than his father he
8:19built theme parks and was accompanied at
8:20public appearances by his wife no North
8:28Korean leader had ever been seen to be
8:29so liberal before Kim jong-un cultivated
8:37his image right down to his posture
8:39which was designed to be reminiscent of
8:41his grandfather's propaganda has now
8:48established him as the third strongman
8:49of the North Korean nation the leader is
8:53the country's brain and the people are
8:55its body our guide is here to remind us
9:00of this now shake him jawaun exacta
9:04marshal Kim jung-un is exactly like
9:06General Kim yung ill in his human
9:09virtues his political leadership and his
9:12philosophy likes your politique dance on
9:16you do Lucy therefore everybody respects
9:19and idolizes him respect I've been there
9:22the guides rhetoric is always the same
9:26under Kim jong-un devotion to the
9:29leaders remains almost religious by call
9:33transient foreigners we're constrained
9:35by the regime's demands
9:48Avon only consider I come before we
9:50thought of them as leaders or heads of
9:52state only costed I now think of them as
9:55our families father's the children are
9:58older people Viet men or women that's
10:00what is the entire Korean nation
10:02considers them to be our fathers bear in
10:08his three years of absolute power
10:09marshal Kim Jong un like his father and
10:12grandfather before him has become part
10:14of the intimate fabric of Korean
10:15families this retired scientist and her
10:22granddaughter are typical of this
10:24devotion to the regime what are your
10:27feelings towards the marshal like
10:31everyone else I feel that marshal Kim
10:34Jong hoon is the embodiment of our
10:36destiny he is our future and a father to
10:39us all you foreigners could never
10:43understand how much we venerate our
10:45marshes the whole Korean population
10:47places its future and destiny in his
10:50hands it is thanks to marshal Kim Jong
10:54un that I am wealthy and can live like
10:56this in fact maybe you know the song or
11:00it speaks of the rise of our young
11:01nation and tells how our country will be
11:03built by the people under the guidance
11:05of comrade Kim Jong un thanks to him our
11:11future will be brilliant and socialism
11:14with triumph be dinner how come you
11:17incising box in yonder watching our
11:19smeda how about a song
11:42no one saw me I'm young ah so I don't
12:05you see either even little children mr.
12:07Marshall so they salute him in their
12:09songs I knew that your granddaughter who
12:14just sang she's two years old what kind
12:17of future do you want for her what kind
12:18of country will she live in I'm a door
12:20yeah how's her to Damien not Anna I feel
12:25sure that she will live in a strong and
12:27prosperous country that will incarnate
12:29the might of Mount big tools that she
12:33will live in a world where she will have
12:34no cause to end the others not I did
12:37indeed nigga or ohon when achacha gosh
12:40buccaneers oh she already goes to a good
12:42nurse leaned upon happened and will go
12:44to the free high school and university
12:46has his new hockey monza we hope she's
12:49going to be a scientist like her
12:51grandfather we would like her to
12:53contribute to our nation's developments
12:55in science and technology under the
12:58guidance of marshal Kim Jong un po po
13:01jnana bharathi you did you buzz yah yah
13:03yah yah
13:05under Kim Jong hoon the nation's future
13:16elite is being coached in Pyongyang's
13:18model schools here the children of
13:23families close to the nucleus of power
13:25will one day become musical virtuosity
13:27we teach the children piano but out of
13:3630 pupils only a few will be selected
13:39for the National Academy of Music some
13:42will become pianists and others will
13:45just become composers or singers
14:01our junior school gives out these red
14:07stars as rewards to children for good
14:09work and when they see these stars it
14:13also makes them want to join the army
14:25in this way youth is molded to the
14:28regime's ideology from an early age and
14:30plays a vital role in its propaganda the
14:35children have to be adorable their
14:38cosseted and well-fed
14:42these are the regime's privileged few
14:45the keepers of its eternal future
14:55from infant school through to university
15:14devotion to the leader seems unfailing
15:16but all the parade's songs and smiles
15:20hide another reality the images that we
15:24filmed in North Korea give no insight
15:26into how this enigmatic country really
15:28works only North Korean refugees who
15:32have fled their homeland continually
15:34shed light on the country's everyday
15:35life what your footage shows is children
15:40who are all at the same level the ones
15:43who lead the parades on the streets of
15:45Pyongyang are psychologically groomed
15:48throughout their time at school and
15:51usually they have access to better
15:53facilities to go into their parents
15:56position because it's a privilege to
15:58lead parades like this through the
15:59streets of the capital
16:05dig up the difference between the kids
16:13from Pyongyang and the kids from the
16:16countryside is their size hence the
16:19children from the capital are much
16:21bigger than the country kids of the same
16:22age this is due to lack of protein in
16:25their diet nope that's are not now a
16:35whole host of new songs glorifying kim
16:38jong hoon is being taught to the
16:40children and they teach them to us their
16:43parents if children sing any song that
16:47is in any way critical of North Korean
16:49socialism they're censored in front of
16:52their classmates
17:08this indoctrination of youth is an
17:10absolute priority at the heart of this
17:13education lies a rabid patriotism
17:27these children are the future of North
17:29Korea and have to be ready to defend
17:31their nation these mass spectacles are
17:35designed for the North Korean nation to
17:37promote its sense of power
17:43these 20,000 young participants are all
17:46members of families fiercely loyal to
17:48the regime
18:00these Pyongyang citizens are an
18:06essential part of the regime's rhetoric
18:08at it's very core
18:13students teachers and high-ranking
18:16military officers whose loyalty is
18:18beyond question
18:23these men and women from the Capitals
18:25elite are the only people allowed to
18:27meet foreigners
18:32like the park family a couple of
18:34University Professors handpicked by our
18:37guides the park families exemplary
18:40conduct has enabled them to move into
18:42this block of flats duty yeah I'm still
18:47emotional talking to you now we used to
18:49live on mounted on hill over there in a
18:52flat on the 15th floor of a building
18:53where those two statues of our leaders
18:55are we were given this apartment on the
18:59second of July 2012 marshal Kim Jong un
19:04came to visit us on the fourth of
19:06September 2012 he looked at every room
19:10even the bathroom he turned on the tap
19:12and the water ran freely so he was very
19:14pleased dipa dies for so Jimmy a noise I
19:19couldn't believe how lucky I was to be
19:22able to live in a flat like this could
19:24take Ozzie money the easy business when
19:25our marshal Kim Jong on visiting us I
19:28even asked him Dear Leader why is it
19:31that a family like ours is allowed to
19:34live in such a luxurious apartment of
19:36always the marshal said in our society
19:39teachers and their families are the
19:41people who are entitled to the greatest
19:43respect if people like you can't benefit
19:46from living in a place like this then
19:48who can you deserve to live here that's
19:52what the marshal told me
19:55a model flat for a model family
19:58happiness North Korean style is like
20:00everything else stage-managed in order
20:04to ensure their loyalty and to disguise
20:06the iron rod hanging over the population
20:08Kim jong-un has transformed Pyongyang
20:11into a shop window for the regime's
20:13privileged few look my shaking the one
20:18I'm marshal Kim Jong hoon is trying to
20:20ensure that all our people can enjoy a
20:23happy life he wants the people to be
20:26able to live in a civilized country a
20:28civilized and socialist country it is
20:32his will and his intention but the
20:34people may one day enjoy a very modern
20:36lifestyle but dance I mold her cone this
20:39shows that we're trying to develop not
20:41just the leisure industry but also
20:43sports healthcare and culture units
20:46we're trying to live in a more civilized
20:48world basically
20:52the desperate Kim jong-un has decreed
20:54the North Koreans should have fun the
20:58country has supposedly entered a new era
21:00with fun for everyone at least that's
21:04the image that the authorities want to
21:06display to foreign visitors on the
21:09outskirts of Pyongyang this equestrian
21:11center is marshal Kim Jong Un's latest
21:13creation you took my job haha this
21:21equestrian center is for the benefit of
21:23everybody workers employees old people
21:27and even small children a single asset
21:30of your car nothing is left to chance
21:33there's no room for improvisation oh I'm
21:38on my way they want to see the
21:40merry-go-round get everything ready
21:42quickly and let the others know we're on
21:45our way currently in this
21:51the horse symbolizes North Korea's power
21:55if you believe what the North Koreans
21:58say the Kim family comes from a long
22:00line of horsemen the legend surrounding
22:02the supreme leader continues suzuki
22:06ensued between 1990 and today marshal
22:10Kim Jong un got on a horse 300 * advised
22:13and coached by General Kim Jong Il he
22:17worked very hard at it in order to
22:20become a great Horseman he studied and
22:22read many books which enabled him to
22:24master every aspect of horse riding
22:26that's why he's such an expert now the
22:31myths surrounding Kim Jong own borders
22:33on the grotesque indoctrination seeps
22:37into every aspect of life our presence
22:39here serves to export this ultra
22:41propaganda across the country's borders
22:46but all the journalists it has a bottle
22:49the role journalists play is very
22:51important that's why we're taking the
22:55documentary you are making of our
22:57country so seriously expect that I found
22:59out more we hope that you will take what
23:01we have told you and turn it into a fair
23:03and objective documentary as objective a
23:06tab part of the schedule for the day is
23:11a visit to marshal Kim's latest folly a
23:13ski resort 200 kilometers from Pyongyang
23:17his time studying in Switzerland gave
23:23him a taste for winter sports the regime
23:26has spent 300 million dollars on the
23:28construction of this complex
23:33but Kim jong-un has also achieved his
23:36objective of circumventing the embargo
23:38on leisure goods imposed by the
23:39international community
23:43Zagel told us news we have 10 ski slopes
23:46here at the masuk resort I'll give a 94
23:50professional skiers and one for
23:52beginners we started building these
23:55slopes in May 2013 and we finished on
23:58the last day of December 2013 that's
24:02what the marshal required and we
24:04achieved it our leader even promoted our
24:07resort all over the world all cigarette
24:10ago Masamune schism what is a little
24:12Superman certain gooey customer
24:14penalizing cool nights of skiing is part
24:17of our country's culture and so Kim
24:20jong-un wanted this resort built to
24:22develop our civilization
24:29but who in North Korea can afford the
24:34luxury of a holiday here no one is
24:38willing to explain the circumstances of
24:40their stay here woody immunity as the
24:44resort was designed with the people in
24:47mind and the prices to have been set
24:49with the people in mind who is a disco
24:51in marshal Kim Jong Un's socialist
24:56country money remains a taboo subject
24:58only five thousand North Koreans are
25:01estimated to have the means to use this
25:03resort in the opinion of this North
25:12Korean refugee these new facilities are
25:14unacceptable Yong LAN Evo Kogi boob rip
25:22tdawg a commandery bizarre because it's
25:24all so ridiculous people are starving to
25:27death and these facilities are only for
25:29rich people from Pyongyang and no good
25:32to anyone else the reality is the people
25:35in North Korea are suffering
25:41gonzalo jara know anyone on you tell me
25:45when I see all these leisure facilities
25:48being built I think to myself that it's
25:50just to placate the peoples and show
25:52people abroad that the country is
25:54capable of achieving these things all
25:57the money spent on building these things
25:59could have been redistributed throughout
26:00the population this is just throwing
26:02money out of the window North Korea's
26:09economic difficulties do not stop the
26:11regime from spending money hand over
26:12fist every two years Pyongyang puts on a
26:17film festival open to foreigners
26:23this is a way for the authorities to
26:25present an image of cultural and
26:27material prosperity to the world
26:36we declare the 13th Pyongyang
26:40International Film Festival open the
26:44films and cartoons shown all follow the
26:46party line of course this amenability
26:49towards the world outside North Korea is
26:51limited and tribute to the leader are
26:53never far away this event is all the
26:57more important because it only takes
26:59place thanks to the interest and the
27:01love that marshal Kim Jong un has for
27:03the cinema you're about to watch films
27:06which are completely innovative in both
27:08form and content North Korean cinema has
27:14a central role in the propaganda machine
27:16it educates even before it entertains
27:48the film festival also allows the regime
27:52to present itself in a good light a
27:54message relentlessly driven home by the
27:56Ministry of Culture we want independence
28:03friendship and peace between people's
28:06all over the world yes all over the
28:14world a select group of dignitaries and
28:20a few foreigners are being treated to a
28:21soiree orchestrated by the great and
28:23good of the regime
28:43but behind this facade of a smiling
28:53prosperous North Korea the regime
28:55maintains control over every citizens
29:00no one semester a customer I Chronicle
29:11Hawaii tomorrow you go to another one
29:16into them resolve una foto seen a poem
29:19about all the way dr. Joe Thank You
29:31in this country of Supreme Leader's even
29:36the smallest event is an opportunity to
29:38pay tribute to the leadership under
29:42North Korea's totalitarian system there
29:44is no other choice
30:04to commemorate the 60th anniversary of
30:07the end of the Korean War the population
30:09of Pyongyang is requisitioned to pay
30:11tribute to its Army General Kim Jong
30:17Il's said to safeguard our country one
30:21can live without candy but one cannot
30:23live without bullets our guides words
30:29are directly influenced by the song gone
30:31doctrine devised by the former leader
30:33Kim jong-il which gives the army the
30:37dominant role in building North Korea's
30:47like his father Kim jong-un perpetuates
30:52the tradition of large public parades in
30:55this way he sets the scene for his own
30:56power and that of North Korea
31:12the army is the keystone of the regime
31:18with a million North Koreans enlisted
31:21and a third of the population reservists
31:27picanha algun sigo antarabangsa gimme da
31:37good he's on it these grades are quite
31:40remarkable I think they used to do
31:43something similar in the former USSR
31:44what all there was what leaders Kim
31:48il-sung and kim jong-il taught us was a
31:50style of military marching called the
31:53hell march which dated from the end of
31:55the war with Japan it's a style that Kim
31:58his song was already using when he
32:00fought the Japanese unlock it the idea
32:05is to intimidate the enemy when you do a
32:09hopping goose-step like that it's rough
32:12on the stomach kooyong kumbakonam
32:14current error gana sakala vida budhana
32:16when we trained we were told to wear two
32:19leather belts done up very tightly under
32:21our belt there's on the UNAC castle
32:23cooke did this pushed up your stomach I
32:26thought you could you can imagine is
32:27very painful crocotta okay to get her to
32:29Tyga Damon
32:44danny saucedo Cato I took part in
32:49training with these grades while I was a
32:51student at military college Chet
32:53Saratoga not one but a few days before
32:55the parade I contrasted paralysis in my
32:58legs because of the hopping so I was
33:01unable to take part and had to go back
33:03to college the training is extremely
33:07hard it felt like being a prisoner in a
33:09labor camp and in North Korea not to be
33:13able to take part in the parade is very
33:53in order to establish his authority over
33:58the army and the party Kim jong-un took
34:00his inspiration from the darkest days of
34:02stalinism in december 2013 the young
34:06dictator began a violent purge of the
34:08state's apparatus any officials who
34:11could have got in his way were brutally
34:13eliminated beginning with his own uncle
34:15Jang song-thaek who was very influential
34:18at the heart of the regime
34:22humming do gin mill wagyu guns and
34:25people took the special military
34:27tribunal of the Ministry of State
34:29Security of the Republic of Korea has
34:32found the accused jang song tech guilty
34:36of acts of subversion against the state
34:38Humpty his goal was to overthrow the
34:41power of the proletariat by aligning
34:44himself with our ideological enemies
34:46this crime carries the severus penalty
34:50under Article 60 of our penal code this
34:54up star this traitor to the revolution
34:57is condemned to death the decision is to
35:02be implemented with immediate effect
35:04John song tik was shot according to the
35:08party line for fermenting of coup d'etat
35:10he was said to be overly immersed in
35:13commercial activities with China any
35:17hope of the regime relaxing its approach
35:20was definitively snuffed out Kim jong-un
35:24has asserted himself Castle warlord his
35:27frequently bellicose directives are
35:29followed to the letter by North Korea's
35:30soldiers after the Kim jong-un regime
35:36took power training became more and more
35:39intense he was determined to crush South
35:42Korea by force he was very insistent on
35:45the weapons we had to use and ordered us
35:47to use all our ammunition on every
35:49training drill in blue global young guy
35:52banget double remember the directives
35:54changing when he took over we had to go
35:58up into the mountains more and more
35:59often for training sessions two or three
36:01times a week and already backing down it
36:03and everything changed from a military
36:05equipment point of view we got new and
36:08better munitions like armor piercing
36:09bullets hollinwood I think Kim jong-un
36:16wants to prove to Koreans that he is
36:18capable of preparing the country for a
36:21war against south korea ha
36:28our marshal Kim Jong un regularly
36:34challenges his southern neighbor and
36:39the regime's belligerent rhetoric goes
36:41hand in hand with provocative acts such
36:44as nuclear trials or military maneuvers
36:46the state needs an enemy to justify the
36:50economic priority given to the military
36:52this policy operates with no regard for
36:57the population which outside Pyongyang
36:59is still vulnerable between 1994 and
37:041998 the country suffered its worst ever
37:06famine which caused the deaths of
37:08hundreds of thousands of people at that
37:15time I was a soldier and I had some
37:17serious health issues I'd lost a lot of
37:20weight I remember that opposite my
37:23barracks there was a woman who used to
37:25deliver food to the Labour Party cells I
37:27went to see the farm manager and pleaded
37:31with him to give me some apples I said
37:33give me an apple before I starve to
37:36death so he said you can eat what you
37:38like when you're here but you can't take
37:40anything with you otherwise all the
37:43other soldiers will end up coming here
37:45and your superiors will confiscate your
37:47food I lived on an apple in the morning
37:50and an apple in the evening for several
37:52months nowadays there are no great
37:57famines but lack of food is still the
37:59main thorn in the regime's side a third
38:03of the country's population suffers from
38:05malnutrition and is dependent on a
38:07public food distribution system
38:12lita said the leopard ibiza the state by
38:17serials and other foodstuffs from the
38:19farmers at a low price and apni MA and
38:23then redistributes them among the
38:25population depending on the number of
38:28people in the family they get more or
38:32less food toned and more is given to
38:35families where there are adults the
38:39regime is still incapable of feeding its
38:41people but is keen to convince us that
38:44the opposite is true our journey now
38:46takes us on a visit to a naturally
38:48exemplary farm Tony Allen's and these
38:53are the details commemorating our visits
38:55from General Kim jong-il who came 15
38:59times to give us new instructions his
39:02advice when he was here enabled us to
39:04improve production Nikki doing it he was
39:07very pleased the general said at first
39:10the soil here was bad but the good work
39:12of our farmers has allowed us to
39:14increase productivity General Kim Jong
39:18Il himself said that our farm should
39:20become a model to the rest of the
39:21country this model farm looks more like
39:24a ghost farm according to the manager
39:27850 farmers work here we do not see a
39:31single one this dilapidated greenhouse
39:34is the regime's attempt to convince us
39:36of how modern its agricultural system is
39:39dejame kakom can be Cody in fact what we
39:44produce here is mainly for the local
39:45population as we don't get involved in
39:48how many people we distribute vegetables
39:50to didn't cheek man by sumida tons of
39:53capen one back off there is an
39:54organization above us that calculates
39:56this and then gives us production
39:58targets for the year Wichita so you
40:00chose a Chicago visual
40:03but the targets set by the authorities
40:10are unattainable in order to help the
40:14farmers the regime takes its inspiration
40:16from the Maoist model and sends the army
40:19into the fields as soon as our training
40:22is over we go into the country to work
40:24with the farmers bowlegged we usually
40:27help with pricking out rice or planting
40:29corn yeah every regiment is ability to a
40:32farm near its barracks to be long dong
40:34the commanding officer might say this
40:37barracks you go to this farm or whatever
40:38after the corn harvest at the end of
40:40October or beginning of november we
40:42return to barracks to start our winter
40:44training in March 2012 Kim jong-un
40:49introduced a reform which allowed
40:51farmers to keep half of what they grew
40:53but a lack of fertilizer and farm tools
40:57prevents the country from being
40:59self-sufficient and this fundamental
41:01principle remains out of reach
41:12the regime seems to continue supporting
41:14a systematic economic path but today it
41:20no longer has any choice but to tolerate
41:22private commercial ventures
41:26well not to show that if you take on
41:29dominican me we still struggle
41:30economically there are still obstacles
41:33to overcome but under air marshals
41:35leadership everyone can enjoy a stable
41:38lifestyle the regime has succeeded in
41:47maintaining the stability by cutting off
41:49its population from the outside world
41:51only a handful of North Koreans managed
41:55to get around this isolation via the
41:57black market when I'm in boca de focuses
42:02on her smugglers who regularly cross the
42:05Tumen River on the Chinese border and
42:07bring back contraband I went into
42:10business with a bunch of friends and I
42:12remember everyone copying and burning
42:14South Korean DVDs brought in from China
42:17and then selling high marks in North
42:21Korea buying dvds like this is expressly
42:24forbidden and goes against the regime
42:27and the law it is actually dangerous to
42:30even own them but there are fewer
42:32controls in the evening so people get
42:34together around 10 or 11 and stay up
42:36until dawn watching recordings of
42:38popular TV series
42:40I remember a very popular South Korean
42:46series which showed a casino in a
42:48capitalist country you saw money
42:51changing hands which we'd never seen
42:53before gowanda Lawson because all you
42:55see our north korean television is
42:56documentaries about Kim il-sung and kim
42:59jong-il and it's still the same today
43:02but in those South Korean series I saw
43:06apartments and wardrobes both clothes
43:08and shoes the North Korean regime keeps
43:12on telling us that South Koreans are
43:13very poor but the people in those series
43:16were really fashionably dressed and I
43:18loved it according to these refugees
43:30this new merchant elite could be the
43:32catalyst for change within the country
43:34this may explain why control over the
43:39population has increased since Kim Jong
43:41Un's accession to power North Koreans
43:44have absolutely no chance of leaving the
43:46country legitimately so despite the risk
43:50many try clandestinely to cross the
43:52border into China Tom total Kissel
43:56Russell some googling and poodle
43:58coterminous all the first time I fled
44:00North Korea I met a middleman when I
44:03arrived in China and was sold to a
44:05Chinese farmer tengo Kawana Keegan today
44:08picanha on Chinese soil you considered
44:11an illegal immigrant and not a refugee
44:13boy it means out of chicken on a jog
44:15wheel so now cut I ended up getting
44:17caught and the Chinese authorities sent
44:19me back to North Korea soco gigas Ortega
44:23I was sent to a labor camp for a year
44:25come on a hot head coil I was beaten for
44:27three days computer two years the first
44:31few days are meant to frighten you and
44:33make you confess your crimes Criken
44:35bazan sat on your computer once you've
44:36confessed your sent to a labor camp or
44:39to prison which me that I'm kanji of all
44:41good it's all it's when they were
44:44torturing me they prevented me from
44:46sleeping to God and they hit me here in
44:49the eye go go go sentai Becky
44:52shenyang its high boy 10 / 17 when I was
44:56a border guard on the two men River who
44:58is that it was my job to catch fugitives
44:59boy wizard an alchemist army we were
45:02posted along the Chinese border in
45:04groups of three will be good tomorrow
45:08along with our government when we caught
45:09a fugitive we took them to our guard
45:11post where we recorded the time and date
45:14at which we captured them then the
45:18fugitive was interrogated by our boss
45:20and transferred to the Department of
45:22Security if the prisoner was starving we
45:26could be lenient haha otherwise they
45:29were sent straight to prison or the
45:30labor camps all I did was hand them over
45:34to my superiors we were rewarded for
45:37each fugitive we caught indeed umar amin
45:42good single i started out eight people
45:45from escaping across the Tumen River
45:46into China if you catch one fugitive you
45:50get a medal if you catch five in the
45:54same year the Labour Party awards you
45:56prizes I'll even holidays so that you
45:58can go home and see your family Kim
46:00doing any tangy to note on the dong dong
46:02et Dona school
46:13how do I get it on with a bag on his
46:16style go go Amy once I left prison I
46:19wondered how i was going to carry on
46:21living with no identity pinocho amici I
46:24was considered a traitor to the nation
46:26so I had no future in North Korea could
46:29their combo guess I tried to flee a
46:31second time your Luck's other comes
46:33ahead of tea and contact details for a
46:35people trafficker while I was in prison
46:37when either your love with his all
46:38thanks to him I managed to cross the two
46:41men river between China and North Korea
46:43little money and don't got us all with
46:46the fake passport he made me your gun I
46:48got on a boat to South Korea the
46:50following day tom night in turn you get
46:52tummy lady thought I guess I the
47:01ruthlessness of the regime and the
47:03disastrous economic situation have
47:05forced over 200,000 North Koreans to
47:07flee their country 25,000 of made it to
47:11South Korea
47:13despite some early hope Kim jong-un's
47:17accession to power has not changed the
47:19nature of the regime never before has
47:23the contrast between the reality of this
47:25country and the image it tries to
47:27portray being so glaringly obvious

